Dear customers!
Please note that starting from 26.01.2025, the store's working hours in Balozhi, Rigas Street 14,, will be changed.
Working hours:
On Sundays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
See you at the FOREVERS store!
From 26.01.2025, the working hours of the FOREVERS store – Balozhi, Rigas Street 14, will change!
- 21/01/2025
From 26.01.2025, the working hours of the FOREVERS store – Balozhi, Rigas Street 14, will change!
- 21/01/2025
Dear customers!
Please note that starting from 26.01.2025, the store's working hours in Balozhi, Rigas Street 14,, will be changed.
Working hours:
On Sundays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
See you at the FOREVERS store!
From 26.01.2025, the working hours of the FOREVERS store – Balozhi, Rigas Street 14, will change!
- 21/01/2025
Dear customers!
Please note that starting from 26.01.2025, the store's working hours in Balozhi, Rigas Street 14,, will be changed.
Working hours:
On Sundays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
See you at the FOREVERS store!